A) Guidelines for Enrollment of 100 %:

  • Updating the school-age children’s census register in each school’s catchment area with the assistance of teachers, Anganwadi teachers, volunteers from the village or ward, education and welfare assistants, and ANMs.
  • Preparation of school-aged children in a list organized by age, gender, and category.
    To consolidate the level lists for the Village, School Complex, and Mandal, send the consolidated data to the appropriate CRPs.
  • MEO’s submission of the final list of mandal levels to the appropriate DEO.
  • Make a list of all Anganwadies within the School Complex’s jurisdiction.

B) Drive for Enrollment:

  • Execution of the parent-teacher meeting in conjunction with the Parents Committee, Sarpanch, ward members, councilors, corporators, and respective public representatives upon enrollment by the headmaster, as well as the Education and Welfare Assistant.
  • In the meeting, display the list of children who are in school.
  • preparing and displaying banners and posters about school accomplishments, MBNN, JVK, MDM, AMMA VADI, and other education-related programs at the village’s main centers.
  • Direct energizes to assemble general society.
    Identification of Anganwadi-completed children aged 5 and up for enrollment in nearby schools.
  • ID of the second class finished kids in the Establishment school to sign up for third class in adjacent schools.
  • Identification of children who have completed fifth grade in the primary school in order to enroll in sixth grade at nearby pre- and high schools.
  • Recognizable proof of the seventh/eighth class finished kids in the Pre Secondary School to sign up for eighth/9thclass in adjacent secondary schools.
    Issue record sheets and transfer certificates to students in order to guarantee their admission into government or other educational institutions.
    During the school enrollment drive, admitting the identified students.
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C) Consolidation of data regarding outgoing children:

  • Keep track of the information about SSC-achieved children’s admission to higher educational institutions.
  • Track the subtleties of the understudies who are taking Record sheet/Move Testament from first to ninth classes.
  • preparation of a consolidated report detailing admissions and withdrawals throughout the year.

D) Consolidation of the List of Dropouts:

  • preparation of the list of people who never enrolled, who quit, or who worked as children during the enrollment drive.
  • Create a special enrollment drive to enroll these children in age-appropriate classes at regular, NRSTC, and RSTC schools.
  • Accommodation of united report and rundown of kids to the MEO for additional essential activity.

E) School Readiness:

  • During the enrollment drive, begin the admissions process.
  • Before the school reopens, check the safety measures.
    cleaning of playgrounds, roofs, and school grounds.
    Water tank, RO plant, and drinking water supply cleaning.
  • Keeping the water supply to the toilets running and cleaning the toilets
  • Make any necessary minor repairs.
  • Cleaning of kitchen shed, utensils and removal of lapsed consumable stock if any.
  • To stay away from electrical shocks, complete the electrical fixes if any.
  • Get the materials for the lab.
  • Guarantee the adequate number of JVK packs.
  • Assuming more number of JVK units required, place the indent promptly to MEO.
  • Make certain that food items like rice, eggs, chikkis, and Ragi malt ingredients are readily available.
  • Guarantee the accessibility of records, registers and other vital writing material.
  • Make an institutional plan for how to carry out academic activities this year.
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