Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2023
Dates for submission of online applications 03-04-2023 to 03-05-2023
Last date and time for receipt of online applications 03-05-2023 (23:00)
Last date and time for making online fee payment 04-05-2023 (23:00)
Last date and time for generation of offline Challan 04-05-2023 (23:00)
Last date for payment through Challan (during
working hours of Bank) 05-05-2023
Dates of ‘Window for Application Form
Correction’ including online payment. 07-05-2023 to 08-05-2023 (23:00)
Tentative Schedule of Tier-I (Computer Based
Examination) Jul, 2023
Tentative Schedule of Tier-II (Computer Based
Examination) To be notified later
Thousands of human resources are required to serve in various departments run by the central government across the country.
For this, the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) releases advertisements every year and fills up the posts. Among such, Combined Graduate Level Examination (CGLE) is important. Can apply with degree qualification. Recruitment will be done through two-stage examinations. Selected candidates will get attractive salary along with good status.
Candidates who show merit in CGLE can serve in Group-B and C posts. Gazetted jobs like Assistant Audit Officer, Assistant Accounts Officer posts are also available. Through this advertisement, the jobs in 36 departments will be filled. There are total 7500 vacancies. Section wise details will be announced later. The number of posts is also likely to increase. Appointments will be made based on the merit shown in the Tier-1 and Tier-2 examinations.
Tier-2 is for those who qualify in Tier-1. This exam will also be conducted online. It consists of 3 papers. Paper-1 is compulsory for all. However, those applying for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer and Statistical Investigator should also write Paper-2 (Statistics). Candidates competing for the posts of Assistant Audit Officer and Assistant Accounts Officer should write Paper-3 General Studies (Finance and Economics) in addition.
Paper-1: It consists of two sessions. In Section 1, Mathematical Abilities 30, Reasoning and General Intelligence 30 will have a total of 60 questions. 180 marks for each of 3 questions. The duration of the exam is 60 minutes. In Section-2, 45 questions will come from English Language and Comprehension and 25 from General Awareness. 210 marks for 70 questions of 3 each. Duration is hour. Section-3 Computer Knowledge will have 20 questions. 60 marks for these. Duration is 15 minutes. All sections have credit marks. One mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. Data entry speed test is conducted in another module in the same section. The given information should be typed within 15 minutes. Qualifying in this is enough.
Paper-2: There will be 100 questions from Statistics. 200 marks for these. Duration is 2 hours.
Paper-3: Finance and Economics will carry 100 questions for 200 marks. Duration is 2 hours.
Half a mark will be deducted for each wrong answer in Paper-2 and Paper-3.
Important information
Eligibility: Any degree pass. Statistics should be studied as a subject in the degree for the posts of Junior Statistical Officer and Statistical Investigator.
Age: As on August 1, 2023 for the posts of Assistant Section Officer (except Intelligence Bureau), Sub Inspector CBI should be under 30 years. Age should be less than 32 years for Junior Statistical Officer and less than 30 years for remaining Group-B posts. Candidates below 27 years are eligible for all Group-C posts. Maximum age exemption is five years for SC and ST, three years for OBCs and ten years for disabled persons.
Last date for online applications: May 3
Tier-1 Exams: Conducted in July
Website: https://ssc.nic.in/
1 First note the format of the exam.
2 Common elements of Tier-1 and Tier-2 should be given more priority.
3 Freshers should start their study with the section-wise basics of the syllabus.
4 After completing any section practice as many sample questions as possible. After that you have to write the mock test from that one section. If you get 75 percent score out of it, you will go to the next section. The same method should be followed in all subjects and departments.
5 Old question papers should be studied well. Determine the topic-wise priority given in the sections and pay special attention to the topics that are likely to get more questions.
6 Mock tests should be written 20 days before the exam. Write the test in one day and analyze the results. Then the whole day should be practiced in backward topics. After that you have to write the mock test again. If you write one mock test every day and prepare by making changes, ten mock tests will be completed by the time of the exam. Get as high a score as possible.
In what topics are the questions?
General Intelligence and Reasoning: This is the section where all the candidates are likely to score high marks. About 70 percent questions are from non-verbal series, analogy, coding-decoding and adman out sections. The remaining 30 percent questions come from Clock, Calendar, Blood Relations, Directions, Cubes, Dice, Venn Diagrams, Counting Figures, Puzzles, Syllogism, Ranking and Sequence. One question will be asked in each topic. Based on the given information the answer can be figured out by thinking well and using logic. Practicing previous SSC CGL Tier-1 question papers along with as many sample questions as possible will help you score more marks.
General Awareness: Environment, Current Affairs, Daily Events, India, Relations with Neighboring Countries… these are the most asked questions. Those who are in the habit of reading daily newspapers can score high in this section. If you write down the headlines in the newspapers, you will remember them. Questions will come from History, Culture, Geography, Economics, General Policy and Scientific Research sections. In History.. History of India, Medieval, Modern Age- These should be read well. Kingdoms, Founders, Wars, Governor Generals, Gandhi Era, Movements are important. From geography..rivers, mountains, soils, borders, forests, climate, birds, animal welfare, conservation.. related topics should be studied. In Polity.. Citizens, Fundamental Rights, President, Parliament, Acts, Amendments are important. Emphasis should be placed on demand-supply, inflation, poverty, types of markets, national and international contemporaries in economics. In current affairs, people in news, sports, awards, schemes, countries- capitals, currencies, prime minister/president, capital..etc. New discoveries and latest developments in science are important.
Quantitative Aptitude: Those who have the ability to find answers to more questions in less time can excel in this department. Mastering the nuances will not waste time. Also, depending on the question, one should get used to finding the answer using formula or logic. There will be 7-10 questions from data analysis and data sufficiency. Percentages, Ratio-Proportion, Profit-Loss, Compound Interest, Bar Interest, Time-Distance, Time-Work, Boats-Currents, Trains, Average, Business Partnership- One question will come from each topic. 3-4 questions will be given from areas and volumes. Use logic and short cuts to figure out the answer quickly. Practicing as many sample questions as possible will help you acquire the skill to find the answer quickly.
English Comprehension: Increase awareness of grammar. Higher marks in comprehension can be obtained if the skills of reading fast and summarizing information are developed. One should try to master the language by reading English newspapers and listening to news. There will be 5 questions from Comprehension, 4 from Close Test, 3 from Jumbled Sentence and 3 from Sentence Improvement/Correction. The rest are from grammar. Questions will be asked from Word Substitution, Idioms and Phrases, Synonyms-Antonyms, Voice, Direct and Indirect Speech. If you practice as many sample questions as possible in these topics, you will get more marks