School Education department released Academic calendar for High Schools ( 3-10 Classes) for 2023-24

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High School Academic Calendar for 2023-24 has been released by Honorable Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Sri. Y.S Jaganmohan Reddy on 08.06.2023.

Detailed Acadeic activities , school Time tables, Class wise weightage , Month wise working days, Examination schedules, Holidays calendar Extra carricular activities, curricular activities , Syllabus month wise every thing was there in the acadeic calendar .

Role of Head Master and teacher also explained in this calendar

Role and responsibilities of Head Master in High School

• All Head Teachers should scrupulously follow the guidelines regarding academic, supervision and administration as envisaged in G.O.Ms.No.54, Education (Ser V), dated 01.06.2000.

• Ensure the activities suggested regarding preparation of Headmaster’s room, preparation of the classroom, resource mobilization, monitoring and supervision, planning of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities without fail.

• Set the standards of the school and evaluate him/herself continuously to ensure that the goals set are achieved by the end of the academic year.

• Should always update him/herself by adopting latest advances in technology.

• Conduct the staff meeting in an innovative manner by focusing the analytics on the learning outcomes, classroom observations, demystifying the learning outcomes etc., duly recording and disseminating the minutes. Every staff meeting should first discuss the action taken on the previous minutes and that the action is complete in all respects.

• Ensure that all teachers keep their mobiles in switch off mode / silent during the classroom transaction. Should attend the schools at least 15 minutes before the scheduled time and leave the school only after confirming that all children have left, all properties are safely secured and everything is fine and under control.

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• Follow the protocol during the visits of the higher official, Public Representatives and the other dignitaries in a be – fitting manner and should appraise them the activities, programs, that are being practiced in the school including the standards of the school and the students.

• Conduct the Parent Teacher Meetings in a planned manner so that all parents will have the opportunity to know about the academic progress of their wards. Parents should have opportunity to interact with subject teachers of their wards.

• Prepare school specific action plan regarding academics, co-curricular and extracurricular activities along with administration to ensure that the goals set are achieved.

• Ensure that the Academic Calendar prescribed by government is strictly followed and all the activities indicated are taken up appropriately by all teachers.
• Allocate co-curricular and extra-curricular periods to teachers based on their capabilities and interests.
• Focus on the handwriting and cursive writing skills among students and adopt innovative methods to improve the same.

Role and responsibilities of Teacher

Teachers should scrupulously follow the guidelines regarding academic and classroom administration as envisaged in G.O.Ms.No.54, Education (Ser V), dated 01.06.2000.

• Follow the timetable prescribed by the Headmaster concerned.

• Write standard lesson plans as suggested in the Academic Calendar.

• Good communicators, listen well, focus on collaboration, adoptable, engaged, to show empathy, have patience, instills confdence, manage the classroom effectively, come to class prepared to teach, set high expectations, practice self-refections, use teaching strategies and to be a role model to the students.

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• Unbiased towards students in respect of gender, caste, community, disability and should address the learning levels of students appropriately with out any discrimination.

• Have analytical report of the assessments and should develop student specifc action plan for remedial teaching.

• Come to the school well in advance to attend the school assembly and to extend their co-operation in conduct of the assembly in a smooth manner.
• Present their lesson plans to the Headmaster concerned for its approval.

• Follow the suggestions given by the Headmaster on the classroom observations.

• Attend the staf meeting without fail and to take necessary action on the minutes of the meeting.

• Attend the Parent Teacher Meetings if the Headmaster requires the presence of the respective teacher.

• Evaluate the assessment answer scripts in time and post them online within stipulated time.

• Adopt the learning outcome-based teaching learning process.

• Focus on the digital learning through the available digital infrastructure and to make the students to go through the QR codes provided in textbooks for their reinforcement in academics.

• Cooperate with the Headmaster in school administration and to ensure the appropriate class specifc learning outcomes among the students.

• Keep their mobiles in silent mode / switched off mode while they are in classroom transaction.

• Have their specifc plan for remedial teaching and to administer the plan after school hours.

Month Wise Working days of 2023-24

Subject wise weightage

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High School Timings (3-10)/ Half Day school timings

Inclusive Education Timetable

Lear A Word A Day

School Complex meetings

1. School Complex Meetings:

School complex meetings are discussion forums for teachers at complex level, for primary school and secondary schools on various subjects . Organising these trainings at a complex level is one strategy to enhance the capacity of teachers and provide continuous support to the teachers for the improvement of their pedagogy. This can also be considered as a decentralised and context based support that teachers have access to throughout the academic years. This platform will also be able to provide a space for teachers to identify and develop solutions that they face in classes currently.


  •  Develop the concept & sense of Complex as a whol
  •  Enhance the capacity building of teachers to provide support on a continuum basis
  •  Share and exchange experiences among the teachers and disseminate the best practices
  • Improve the quality of learning among the children through teachers’ Continuous Professional Development

Complex Meeting Schedule and Agenda for High Schools.