AP Inter Supplementary Hall Ticket 2023 :

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The Intermediate Board has released the hall tickets for Inter Advanced Supplementary Examinations in Andhra Pradesh. Inter Vidya Mandal Secretary Seshagiri Babu said in a statement that hall tickets have been made available in the login of college principals on Gnanabhoomi website.

Principals are advised to download them and provide them to the students. As per the already announced schedule, the Inter Advanced Supplementary Examinations will be held from May 24 to June 1. Those who have failed in Inter Fustier, Secondary as well as those who are writing for improvement can write these exams. On the respective dates, the examination will be conducted from 9 am to 12 pm for the fresher students and from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm for the secondary students on the same day.

Bieap also made available of Halltickets individual at bseap.apcfss.in website . students can download hall tichets directly with roll number and Date of Birth.

How to download Inter Supplementary Hall tickets 2023.

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