Memo.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST 4-CSE Dt:30.04.2023.
Sub: School Education – AP Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Guidelines, 2022 issued in G.O.Ms.No.187 read with amendment G.O.Ms.No.190 – Withdrawal of the GOs to enable the Government to come up with different framework to achieve the stated objective – Govt.Orders – Communicated.
Ref:1) G.O.Ms.No.187, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:10.12.2022.
2) G.O.Ms.No.190, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:21.12.2022
3) Orders Dt:26.12.2022 of the Hon’ble High Court of A.P in Transfers batch cases.
4) Lr.Rc.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE-Part(1), Dt:27.04.23 to the Learned Advocate General, Hon’ble High Court of A.P.
5) G.O.Ms.No.39, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:29.04.2023.
While imparting a duplicate of the reference fifth refered to, all Local Joint Heads of School Training and Region Instructive Officials in the State are educated that, the Public authority has given orders for withdrawal of the above G.O.Ms. No.187, School Training (Ser. II) Section, Dt: 10.12.2022, as amended by G.O.Ms. No.190, School Training (Ser. II) Section, Dt:21.12.2022, to empower the Public authority to concoct the different casing work to accomplish the ideal objective with regards to this issue.
The aforementioned officers are urged to take the necessary steps in light of the foregoing.
G.O.Ms. 39 Dt: 29-04-2023
School Training – The Andhra Pradesh Educators (Guideline of Moves) Rules, 2022 gave in G.O.Ms. SE No. 187 (Ser.) Department, dated October 12, 2022, read G.O.Ms No. 190, SE (Ser.) with an amendment. Department, dated December 21, 2022—Orders issued for the withdrawal of the GOs so that the government can develop alternative strategies for achieving the stated goal
G.O.Ms. of the School Education (Services) Department No: 39 Dated: 29.04.2023
1.G.O.Ms. No. 187, Education in Schools (Ser.) Dated department. 10.12.2022
2. G.O.MS. No. 190, Education in Schools (Ser.) Division, dated. 21.12.2022.
3. E-file Computer No. 1749182 from the Commissioner of School Education ORDER:
The Andhra Pradesh Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Guidelines, 2022, as well as the G.O.Ms., were issued in the G.O. No.190, School Training (Ser.) Department, dated December 21, 2022, issued a number of amendments to ensure that subject teachers were employed in High Schools and that the required number of teachers was employed in Foundational Schools and Foundational School Plus.
2 The Commissioner of School Education has stated in the third reference that was read above that, following the issuance of the aforementioned G.Os, a number of teachers from all over the state have submitted written petitions to the Hon’ble High Court. In certain W.P.s, the Honorable High Court has issued interim orders. On the interim orders, the Department has submitted vacate stay petitions and common counter affidavits. As a result, the CSE has requested that the Government drop G.0.Ms No.187, School Education (Ser.) Dept., Dated October 12, 2022, as amended by 6.0.Ms. No.190, School Instruction (Ser-II) Office, dated 21.12.2022.
3. The above G.O.Ms are hereby withdrawn by the Government after thorough investigation. No. 187, Dept. of School Education (Ser. 11), dated 10.12.2022, as amended by G.O., Ms. Department of School Education (Ser-II), No. 190, dated. 21.12.2022, so that the government can develop various strategies for achieving the stated goal.
The Chief of School Training, will make a further vital move in like manner, with regards to this issue