BEL Recruitment 2022 for Management Trainee (Finance) Posts

BEL Recruitment 2022 for Management Trainee (Finance) Posts

Last Date 08.10.2022

The Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has published the BEL Recruitment 2022 Notification for recruitment to the posts of Management Trainee (Finance).

Detailed Official Notification pdf, Application Form Link, Educational Qualification, Salary, Post wise Vacancy & Age Limit Details, Selection Process & Other Relevant Details for BEL Management Trainee (Finance) Recruitment 2022 are provided below

Bharat Electronics Limited a Navratan and India’s premier professional Electronics Company intends to engage One Management Industrial Trainee with CMA/CA (intermediate) qualification for Machilipatnam Unit.


⧫ Candidates should have registered with ICMAI / ICAI and pass CMA/ CA (intermediate)

⧫  The Maximum age of the candidates shall not exceed 25 years as on 01.09.2022.

Mode of the selection:

They will be engaged through written test / interview.

⧫  Candidates will be called for written test / interview.
General conditions:

⧫  Initial tenure of the Management Industrial Trainee (MIT – Finance) shall be one Year. However, extension for One Year may be considered after reviewing the performance of the candidate. The tenure of the MIT (Finance) including their extension period shall not exceed maximum period of Three years.

⧫  The stipend payable to the MIT (Finance) with the qualification of CMA/CA (intermediate pass) shall be Rs.18,000/- per month.

⧫  The MIT (Finance) would be eligible for one day casual cum-sick-leave for every completed month of training.

The advertisement is made available in bilingual (English and Hindi). In case of any misinterpretation of the advertisement the English version is to be referred and that is final.

Interested candidates may send their application along with the following documents to Manager (HR), Bharat Electronics Limited, Ravindranath Tagore Road, Machilipatnam-521001, Krishna, Andhra Pradesh on or before 08.10.2022 .

⧫  Duly filled in Application form (application form is made available in the website)

⧫  SSC certificate for proof of date of birth

⧫  CMA/CA intermediate pass certificate

⧫  Category / disability certificate if belongs to EWS/OBC/SC/ST/PwBD

⧫  For any queries please mail to or call to 0866-2527406.

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