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D.El.Ed. BSE Andhra Pradesh conducts D.EI.ED  Annual Examination in the month of September for 2019-2021 Batch Results @bse.ap.gov.in. Students can collect AP DED ALL SEMESTERS  Result2019-21 BATCH  from here immediately. All candidates can get DED  results & recounting details through online website bse.ap.gov.in. You can follow the steps below this page regarding downloading AP DED Exam Result 2023. Directorate of Government Examinations Andhra Pradesh @BSEAP is an independent department working under the Ministry of Secondary Education. The department is responsible for releasing time table, hall ticket and results and conducting SSC/OSSC exams, Ded 1st year, 2nd year exams and many minor exams and conducting advanced supplementary exams.