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Rc.No.13/26/2022-EST (3) 7-CSE Dated: 23/11/2022

Sub: School Education Department – Delegation of powers and functions to the Headmasters working the Schools of Government, ZPP/MPP and Municipal Management, Mandal Educational Ofcers / Deputy Inspectors of Schools, Deputy Educational Ofcers, District Educational Ofcers and the Commissioner of School Education – Certain Instructions – Issued.

Read: 1. G.O.Ms.No.84, Municipal Administration and Urban Development (D1) Department, Dated: 24.06.2022.
2. This ofce Proceedings Rc.No.ESE02-13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE, Dated: 25.06.2022.
3. This Ofce Memo No.ESE02-13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE-Part(1), Dated: 07.07.2022, 27.07.2022 and 16.08.2022.
4. Lr.No:Fin02-18067/3/2022-H SEC-DTA, Dated: 26.08.2022 of the Director of Treasuries and Accounts, A.P., Vijayawada addressed to the C&DMA, A.P.
5. This ofce Memo No.13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE-Part(1), Dated: 02.09.2022 and e-mail, Dated: 13.09.2022, 19.09.2022 & 30.09.2022.
6. This ofce Letter Rc.No.ESE02-13/26/2022-EST 3-CSE-Part(1), Dated: 17.10.2022.
7. G.O.Ms.No.180, School Education (Ser.I) Department, Dated: 18.11.2022.
8. This ofce Memo No.ESE02-12021/143/2022-EST 2-CSEPart(1), Dated: 21.11.2022.

The attention of all Regional Joint Directors of School Education/ District Educational Officers in the state are invited to the reference 7th cited, and they are informed that, the Government have issued orders to delegation of powers and functions to the Headmasters working the Schools of Government, ZPP/MPP and Municipal Management, Mandal Educational Officers / Deputy Inspectors of Schools, Deputy Educational Officers, District Educational Officers and the Commissioner of School Education and the same has been communicated in the reference 8th cited.

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In this regard, all Regional Joint Directors of School Education/ District Educational Officers in the state are requested to follow the below instructions :

1. To issue instructions to the concerned Deputy Educational Officers/ Mandal Educational Officers/ Head Masters of Municipal High Schools to take over the Service Registers with up-to-date entries of all Municipal Head Masters/Teachers in their respective jurisdiction immediately and submit compliance to the undersigned.

2. To obtain the detailed report in chronological order with specific recommendations (i.e., yes/no) with all connected records in each and every fle (i.e., service matters, Court cases, and other disciplinary cases etc.,) from all the Regional Directors of Municipal Administration/ Commissioners concerned for complying the orders of the Hon’ble Court / taking decision on service matters etc., and to take necessary action to avoid further complications in the matters.

3. To Coordinate with the Regional Directors of Municipal Administration/ Commissioners concerned for timely and smooth disposal of any issues pertaining to Service matters, Court cases, and other disciplinary cases etc., of all Municipal Teachers.

4. To issue instructions to the concerned Deputy Educational Officers/ Mandal Educational Officers/ Head Masters to submit the proposals in time for issuance of NOC to visit aboard in respect of all HMs/teachers working under School Education Department i.e., Govt./ZPP/MPP/Municipal/Aided Managements through online module only.

The Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, Andhra Pradesh is requested to issue necessary instructions to their fled functionaries accordingly.
The Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Andhra Pradesh is also requested to issue necessary instructions to all District Treasury Officers in the State and ensure no hardship in claiming salaries of all Municipal Head Masters/ Teachers.

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