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SIM Cards: Do you know how many SIM cards are there in your name?.. check like this!

SIM Cards: Technology reigns supreme these days. Everything we do is connected to technology. It is known that cyber crimes are also increasing as fast as technology is developing.

There are countless cases of intelligent and knowledgeable people falling victim to cyber crime. In this order..some people are committing crimes by using the SIM cards that we have thrown away. Even if there is no need… we get attracted by the offers of service providers and buy four or five SIM cards each… we throw them away after using them. Cyber criminals are committing frauds by buying and activating such numbers. Recently, the world has come to know through artificial intelligence that 658 SIM cards have been activated in the name of a single person in Vijayawada. It has been well publicized in media as well as social media. It also seems that all these SIMs have been blocked by the telecom authorities.

But the Department of Telecommunication (DoT) has recently imposed restrictions on SIM cards. If a user has more than 9 SIM cards in their name, re-verification is ordered. Dot has advised telecom operators to deactivate their additional connections if they do not do so. If the user wants to have good SIM connections for nine people, the user has to do reverification. All in all, it says to be very careful with SIM cards. In this background, the telecom company has brought the website https://sancharsaathi.gov.in/ to know how many SIM cards are there on the Aadhaar card. This not only allows you to know how many SIM cards are there on the Aadhaar number, but also allows you to block the number even if the mobile is stolen or lost.

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Do this..

* Official website of Sanchar Saathi https://sancharsaathi.gov.in/ should be opened
* There are two options. In it click on No Mobile Number Connection (TAFCOP).
* After opening a new page, enter the 10 digit mobile number
* After entering the captcha code.. if you enter the received OTP.. you will see how many mobile numbers the user has.
* Ours is there but there is also an option to block the number.