Note about this

The Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS), an Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES), Govt. of India is a knowledge and information technology enterprise for the oceanic realm, pursuing focused programmes in the areas of Ocean Observations, Ocean Modeling and Ocean Information & Advisory services including Tsunami Early Warning. More details about INCOIS are available at

Online applications are invited from eligible Indian Nationals for engagement on contract basis against the following temporary positions in the projects to be approved for the period 2021- 26 by Govt. of India. The positions will be initially for a period of one year, extendable based on performance/project requirement on year-to-year basis till March 2026 or co-terminus with the projects whichever is earlier. Details about the positions, reservation, consolidated emoluments, academic qualifications, age, experience, and responsibilities of the contract positions, format of application and other general conditions are given below:


General Conditions:

1. The last date of submission of online application is September 09, 2022. The last date is the cutoff date for all purposes including Age/Qualification/experience etc.
2. The positions will be initially for a period of one year, extendable based on performance/project requirement on year-to year basis till March 2026 or co-terminus with the projects whichever is earlier.
3. Age relaxation against posts reserved for SC/ST/OBC/ candidates and Ex-S Men/PWD (irrespective of reservation) will be as per orders issued by the Government of India from time to time.
4. The prescribed essential qualifications are minimum and the mere possession of the same does not entitle candidates to be called for interview/written exam as applicable. If the number of applications received in response to advertisement is large, it will not be convenient or possible for the Selection Board to interview and/or conduct written exam for all those candidates. The Centre may restrict the number of candidates to be called for interview and/or written exam to a reasonable limit based on desirable qualification and/or on the record of academic performance and/or relevant experience for the post prescribed in the advertisement as per the specific requirement of the Centre and/or any other bench mark decided by a committee constituted to screen the applications. No correspondence will be entertained with candidates who are not called for Interview and/or written exam.
5. Depending on the pandemic situation, exams/interviews might be held either online platforms or physical presence to all the shortlisted candidates.
6. For positions where interview is the mode of final selection, a candidate applying and getting shortlisted for multiple posts will be interviewed separately for each post.
7. Canvassing in any form and/or bringing any influence, political or otherwise will be treated as disqualification. No interim correspondence/inquiry will be entertained.

8. Candidates working in Government/Public Sector Undertakings/Autonomous bodies must produce a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from their employer at the time of written test/interview. Candidature of candidates attending the written test/interview without producing the NOC will be summarily rejected.
9. Experience will be counted after completion of essential academic qualifications while a completed doctorate degree will be counted as three years’ experience i case the doctorate is not mentioned in the essential qualification, which shall include the period rendered as JRF/SRF required for obtaining the doctorate degree.
10. In case a candidate has obtained the above degree (doctoral degree) while in service only, his /her service period will be counted towards experience and he/she will not get any additional weight-age in experience for acquiring Doctorate towards total period of experience.
11. The selection for the posts shall be on the basis of performance of the screened-in candidates in the interview/written test depending upon the post.
12. The selected candidates are liable to serve any where in India, and work on 24/7 shift duties as per the requirement of the organization.
13. No travelling allowance will be paid for attending the interview/written examination.The candidates need to make their own stay arrangements. INCOIS will not be responsible for any accommodation arrangements.
14. Director, INCOIS reserves the right to cancel the recruitment process at any stage, without assigning any reason there of or vary the number of posts to be filled under each category.
15. Discrepancies in the certificates, non-production of the original certificates and No Objection Certificate at the time of interview will attract the disqualification of applications.
16. Production of the original certificate at the time of interview is must. Candidate’s currently working in any other organization need to provide the proof of their current employment with a service/experience certificate from the employer. Appointment order or Pay slips or identity cards will not be considered as proof of current employment.
17. At present, the place of posting is at Hyderabad with transfer liability to any part of India as and when need arises.
18. All project positions are purely temporary and on contract co-terminus with the project not entitling the candidate for regular/permanent appointment at anytime during or after the expiry of the term/project..
19. The monthly emolument specified is approximate and may vary as per the guidelines issued by Competent Authority from time to time.
20. Any addendum/corrigendum etc. with regard to this recruitment will be displayed only on INCOIS website.
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Mode of Selection:

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For the posts of Sl.No. 1 to 3 & 6 :Through Written test / Interview
For the posts of Sl.No. 4 to 5 : Through Written Test only

Application procedure

The entire application procedure is online. Copies of\ certificates in support of educational qualifications, date of birth, disability, caste (SC/ST/OBC), EWS/PWD/ EX-S Men Discharge, experience, no objection certificates, digital signatures, photograph etc. should be uploaded along with the online application. All the uploaded documents should be in the form of PDF file and photograph and signature in the form of .jpg format. If the certificates are in a language other than English or Hindi, attested translation should be enclosed.

How to apply

To apply, the applicant must fill the online application form available at INCOIS website and upload the scanned documents in the online application form. The candidates are not required to send any hard copies by post or through e-mail but must carry them when called for interview/test

Applicants are requested to carefully go through the full text of the advertisement and the instructions in particular before filling the online application. Incomplete applications without photos, certificates, NOC etc will be summarily rejected.

Incase of any difficulty in the submission of online application form (not for other queries), please email to