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Circular Memo No. 15/43/2021-EST5-CSE Dated: 24/11/2022

Sub: School Education – Establishment – Interstate transfers of Government Employees – Collection of information in respect of employees allotted/deemed allotted employees of AP who are interested in exercising option to go to Telangana on permanent basis – No Objection for transfer to Telangana State – Regarding


1. Govt Circular.Memo.No.1512868/SPF&MC/2021 Dt:07.10.2021.
2. This ofce Memo.No.ESE02-15/43/2021-EST5-CSE Dt:12.10.2021.
3. Govt Memo.No.1326451/General/A1/2021-1 Dt:29.10.2021.
4. Govt. Memo.No.1859251/A1/General/2022-1, School Education (Gen) Dept., Dated: 14.10.2022 along Govt. U.O. Note.No.GAD01- APSR0BIF (INST)/26/2021-MLO-OS2-1, GA (SPF&MC) Dept., Dated: 23.09.2022

The attention of the staff members concerned is invited to the subject and references cited.
In the reference 4th cited, the Government have requested to submit the NOC for Inter-State transfer applications received from the employees so as to send the same to the Government of Telangana.

Therefore, the staff members concerned are requested to submit their undertaking/willingness for transfer to Telangana on permanent basis along with willingness to take last rank in the cadre in the enclosed format immediately to submit the same to the Government.

This has got the approval of the Commissioner of School Education, A.P., Amaravati.

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