Course -IV: Partnership with parents and communities ( Part- B)

Course -IV : Partnership with parents and communities ( Part- A)

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Guidelines for Rerunning the NISHTHA 4.0 (ECCE) Training The Pre-primary education portion of the NISHTHA 4.0 (ECCE) Online Course

• This course is intended for educators working in Pre-elementary schools and

Anganwadi schools.

• Master trainers will receive training in the first phase.

• Master trainers for NISHTHA 4.0 will be Mandal Educational Ofcers, Cluster Resource Persons, Faculty working in DIETs from the School Education Department, and PDs, CDPOs, and Supervisors from the ICDS Department. This course is required for all of the aforementioned individuals.

• Each participant must sign up for DIKSHA using the link on their laptops or mobile phones.

• Utilizing DIKSHA login the members needs to join the course and afterward Special Client ID (UUID) will be produced.

• Participants must record their User ID and Password so that they can be contacted in the future.

• Participants must sign up for the course using the links provided in the annexure.

• Members can sign up for every one of the six courses from 17-02-2023 to 25-05-2023 preceding the enrolment date closes whenever the timing is ideal .

• Members can sign up for every one of the six courses all at once or course by course according to their accommodation however every one of the courses ought to be finished before 31-05-2023.

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• The content of this course is available in PDF format. Participants are required to read the course materials and watch the course videos whenever they want.

• Each participant in the course is required to take an objective examination at the conclusion. In order to receive a certificate for each course, the participant must pass the exam with 70% of the marks in three attempts.

• MEOs, CRPs, and DIET faculty, PDs, CDPOs, and supervisors who did not achieve 70 percent in the first batch of the course must retake it using the links in the annexure. The people who have not gotten done with every one of the tasks needs to rejoin in the deficient course in the rerun, consume the material in the course and give the test to get the certifcate.

• Every one of the members ought to finish the course according to the timetable given by NCERT in one or the other English or Hindi in NCERT occupant as it were.

• The Rerun’s Start Date: • The enrollment period will end on May 25, 2023.

• When the course will end: 31 May 2023 • A dash board for NISHTHA 4.0 (ECCE) trainings has been created to make monitoring at the district level easier.

• The NISHTHA 4.0 (ECCE) training dashboard link is as follows: • Participants can be individually monitored using their correct UUIDs via this link.

• If a participant’s name is missing, please send the missing participant’s name, designation, district, and correct UUID to the proceedings’ contact numbers.

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NISHTHA 4.0 (ECCE) training dashboard LINK