Rc. No. ESE02-12021/191/2022-EST 2-CSE, Dated:09/12/2022
Sub:-School Education – Not to engage/entertain teachers or union bearers during/beyond school hours for carrying out non-academic office work – Certain instructions – Issuance-Reg.
Read:-Representations of some Teachers Unions.
It has come to the attention of the undersigned that some Deputy Educational Officers/Mandal Educational Officers in the State are engaging/entertaining teachers or union bearers during/beyond school hours for completing office work. Preparation and submission of pay bills, updating of service registers, processing of leaves etc., which is highly irregular and against government rules and regulations.
Therefore, all Deputy Educational Officers/Mandal Educational Officers in the State are hereby strictly directed not to avail the services of teachers/representatives of associations for obtaining any kind of non-academic/office work in their offices. Any deviation in these orders will be treated very seriously and as per Rule 20 of AP CC&A Rules-1991, disciplinary action will be initiated against the officer concerned without any prior notice.
All Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Education Officers in the state have been directed to closely monitor and ensure that no teacher is entertained for the work of academic offices. If any such case comes to their notice, they are directed to take disciplinary action as per the rules in force by immediately informing this office against the officer concerned