State Bank of India invites Online application from Indian citizen for appointment to the following Specialist Cadre Officers posts. Candidates are requested to apply Online through the link given on Bank’s website or
1. The process of Registration is complete only when fee is deposited with the Bank through Online mode on or before the last date for payment of fee.
2. Before applying, candidates are requested to ensure that they fulfil the eligibility criteria for the post as on the date of eligibility.
3. Candidate can apply for more than one post.
4. Candidates are required to upload all required documents (brief resume, ID proof, age proof, caste certificate, PWD Certificate (if applicable), educational qualification, experience etc.) failing which their application/candidature will not be considered for shortlisting/ interview.
5. Short listing will be provisional without verification of documents. Candidature will be subject to verification of all details/ documents with the original when a candidate reports for interview (if called).
6. In case a candidate is called for interview and is found not satisfying the eligibility criteria (Age, Educational Qualification and Experience etc.) he/ she will neither be allowed to appear for the interview nor be entitled for reimbursement of any travelling expenses.
7. Candidates are advised to check Bank’s website or regularly for details and updates (including the list of shortlisted/ selected candidates). The Call (letter/ advice), where required, will be sent by e-mail only (no hard copy will be sent).
9. In case more than one candidate scores same marks as cut-off marks in the final merit list (common marks at cut-off point), such candidates will be ranked in the merit according to their age in descending order.
10. Hard copy of application & other documents not to be sent to this office.



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i) The number of vacancies including reserved vacancies mentioned above are provisional and may vary according to the actual requirement of the Bank.
ii) The educational qualification prescribed for various posts are the minimum. Candidate must possess the qualification and relevant full-time experience as on specified dates.
iii) Candidate belonging to reserved category including Person with Disabilities for whom no reservation has been mentioned are free to apply for vacancies announced for General category provided they fulfil all the eligibility criteria applicable to General category.
iv) The reservation under various categories will be as per prevailing Government Guidelines.
v) PWD candidate should produce a certificate issued by a competent authority as per the Government of India Guidelines. The relevant experience certificate from employer must contain specifically that the candidate had experience in that related field as required.
vi) Reservation for PWD candidates is horizontal and is included in the vacancy of the respective parent category.
vii) Vacancies reserved for OBC Category are available to OBC candidates belonging to ‘Non-creamy Layer’. Candidates belonging to OBC category but coming in creamy layer are not entitled to any relaxation/reservation available to OBC category. They should indicate their category as General or General (LD/VI/HI/D&E), as the case may be.
viii) OBC category candidate should submit the OBC certificate on format prescribed by Govt. of India, having Non-Creamy Layer clause issued during the period 01.04.2022 to the date of taking up of appointment, if selected.
ix) Caste certificate issued by Competent Authority on format prescribed by the Government of India will have to be submitted by the SC/ST/ OBC (Non-creamy layer) candidates.
x) Reservation for Economically Weaker section (EWS) in recruitment is governed by Office Memorandum No. 36039/1/2019-Estt (Res) dtd. 31.01.2019 of Department of Personnel & Training, Ministry of Personnel (DOPT), Public grievances & Pensions, Government Of India. Disclaimer: EWS vacancies are tentative and subject to further directives of Government of India and outcome of any litigation. The appointment is provisional and is subject to the Income & Asset certificate being through the proper channel.
xi) Benefit of Reservation under EWS category can be availed of only upon production of “Income and Asset Certificate” issued by the competent authority on the format prescribed by Govt. of India for the relevant financial year as per the extant DOPT guidelines.
xii) The EWS candidates should note that in case, they are not in possession of “Income & Asset Certificate” for the relevant financial year as per the extant DOPT guidelines on or before the closure of online application date, such candidates should apply under “General Category” only.
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