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SA2 assessment in all school in AP completed for 2022-23 academic year. As per CSE schedule all Schools conducted Summative assessment 2 in al subjects in all schools . Students progress reports and annual grade calculations issued to students and also  valued answer scripts were given to parents in the Parent Teacher meeting this year.

All schools must enter these SA2  marks online in the given tab under CSE studentifo website.

SA2 marks entry official link enabled in CSE student info website

SA2 marks entry link for 2022-23 enabled in cse website. Studentinfo website link for SA2 CBA marks entry is given Enter SA2 amrks online in EMS weblink is enabled in CSE studentinfo website to enter SA2 marks online . All schools should enter subject wise student wise marks in CSE website , studentinfo website . SA 2 marks official entry link

Demo video for entering SA2 marks Non-Languages

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