Memo.No.14028/1/2022-E-VI-Part(3) Dt:15/06/2023

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Sub:- School Education Manning the 5,809 vacant School Assistant posts through eligible and Senior SGTs, by promotions providing Subject Teacher Allowance @ Rs.2,500 per month, till the given – Certain Instructions Issued – Regarding.

All District Educational Officers in the State are requested to claim the Subject Teacher Allowance for the respective teachers (i.e., Senior SGTs who were manned as Subject Teachers) up until April 30, 2023 (the last working day of AY2022-23) in continuation of the orders issued in references 5th and 6th read above.

In addition, the State’s District Educational Officers are urged to revoke any and all deputation orders for Subject Teachers, also known as SGTs, who were paid Subject Teacher Allowance.

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