R.C. No. ESE02-22/25/2023-SCERT Dated:28/04/2023

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Sub:School Education – SCERT – Induction training for teachers appointed through DSC 2018, DSC 2008(MTS), DSC 1998 (MTS), – Allotment of training centers details- Schedule Communicated orders Issued regarding.

Ref:Office Note Approved Byte the Commissioner of School Education,\ Andhra Pradesh.

In this regard, all of the District Educational Officers and Additional Project Coordinators of Samgra Shiksha in the State are informed that induction training for Secondary Grade Teachers will be conducted at DIETS in their respective districts. In this regard, all of the Regional Joint Director of School Education, all of the District Educational Officers, all of the DIET Principals, and all of the Additional Project Coordinators of Samagra Shiksha in the State are informed that the Government has decided to conduct induction training for newly recruited teachers in DSC 2018, DSC 2008(MTS), DSC 1998 (MTS),

The principal of the relevant DIET will serve as the course coordinator, and the District Educational Officer will serve as the director of the course. In accordance with the guidelines for Teach Tool training, the aforementioned induction training program’s financial requirements must be adhered to. For School Collaborators acceptance preparing will be directed at recognized focuses in private mode on the web (Annexure).

The course director will be the district’s Additional Project Coordinator Samagra Shiksha, and the course coordinator will be the decision’s Depute Educational Officer. The annexure provides information regarding the center’s designated districts in detail. The Monetary Norrms for private method of preparing program is as per the following:

1. TA Actual
2. DA 1/4th per day
3. Boarding and Lodging Charges Rs.450.00 per day per person.
4. Stationary Rs. 60.00 per person.
5. Miscellaneous Rs. 10000.00 per center.

In addition, School Assistant teachers are instructed to attend induction training at the appropriate center for their respective subjects, and District Educational Officers are asked to take any necessary steps to ensure the smooth operation of SGT induction training at DIETs. Only residential instruction will be used for the school assistant training.

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The State Task Chief Samagra Shiksha is mentioned to deliver the necessare spending plan for SGTs enlistment preparing to the respectide Chief Eating regimen and the financial plan related the Acceptance preparing of School Collaborators mae be delivered to the Extra Undertaking Organizer Samagra Shiksha of the concerned areas.

In addition, the DIET Principals and the Additional Project Coordinator Samagra Shiksha are granted permission to cover the necessary expenses from the funds that are readily available. The equivalent might be repaid subsequent to duleysubmitting the first Bills and Vouchers to the State Task Chief Samagra Shiksha.