Memo.No.1773281/MDM/2022 Dated:-14-10-2022

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Sub: School Education Dept., PM POSHAN Jagananna Gorumudda (Mid day Meal) – Supply of quality Eggs to students in Schools/ Anganwadi Centers Four (4) times a month Orders Issued Regarding

he under mentioned suppliers are informed that, as per orders of Government, e-procurement notifications were issued through the e-Procurement portal for procurement and supply of Eggs to all Schools and Anaganwadi Centres under Jagananna Gorumudda and YSR Sampoorna Poshana Schemes respectively for the year \prime2022\cdot23.

After the tender process, work orders were issued to the L1 bidders in all Districts of the State except in Tirupathi District., and temporary supply arrangements are made in Tirupathi district, pending receipt of court orders.

As per supply conditions, deliver/ supply Schedule of Eggs to School points and marking on Eggs are issued as follows:

Further instructions were given to all Regional Joint Director of School Education and the District Educational Officers in the State with regard to pre dispatch inspections of Egg go-downs and monitoring the supply of Eggs as per conditions of the Agreement made with the suppliers regularly.

During the inspections conducted by Third Party inspection teams across the State and feedback received through various sources regarding supply of farm fresh Eggs to Schools/ Anganwadi Centres, the following observations are noticed:

1. Eggs were supplied to schools with different marking and also without marking in many schools.


2. Small sized eggs were supplied to schools.

3. There is delay in supply of eggs to schools in many places. 4. Indents of required quantities were not provided by some HMS to the suppliers within time, causing delay in supply of eggs and also less than the required no. of Eggs supplied to particular school.

5. Though supplied Eggs as per schedule, there are storage problems at schools due to holidays etc., hence some marked eggs are being returned.

6. Due to supply of rotten Eggs to schools, students fell ill and faced health issues and the very objective of MDM scheme is defeated.

7. Supply of Eggs from Farms to godowns, godowns to School points, 3-times in a month is also causing delay and eggs getting spoiled while cooking which is another bottleneck problem.

The Third Party Teams and other District officials recommended strongly to supply eggs to the schools at least four times in a month to avoid health issues to the children.

The very aim of the Government is to provide farm fresh quality eggs directly from farms to the door step of Schools to provide adequate nutrition to the students/children.

The Government has observed the findings of Third Party teams and feedback from officials and took serious note of the above issues in the supply of Eggs.

Hence, the Government have observed the fact that all care has been already taken to release the bills to the suppliers well in time so as to avoid hardships to the suppliers and to ensure timely and quality supply, but it was noted that main objective of the supply of quality eggs in time to ensure daily nutrition to children was not fully achieved despite spending huge budget from the State exchequer additionally.

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