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Andhra Pradesh government has given good news to the teachers.. GO 187 has been given yesterday night 10/12/ 2022 to carry out the transfers.. Minister Botsa Satyanarayana who held consecutive meetings for two days, finally came to the decision to carry out the transfers of teachers.. They planned to complete the transfer process within a month… Online only. Plans have been prepared to carry out the process.. Principals who have completed five years of service and teachers who have been working in the same place for 8 years will have a mandatory transfer.

It is estimated that 6,578 subject teachers are required for classes 3-10 and 1,350 subject teachers for classes 6-10 across the state.. Teachers will be adjusted accordingly. If there are no subject teachers, qualified SGTs will be appointed as school assistants. Due to rationalization, the school education department has issued orders to send surplus SGTs to the required places. In some places, classes 3, 4, 5 are going to be moved to high schools and qualified SGTs are going to be sent to those schools. While four DEO posts are vacant in the state, it has been decided to appoint new ones in other districts as well. Plans are being prepared to give postings to DSC-98 candidates in the vacancies created after the transfer of teachers.

Transfers Schedule:

  • The transfer process will start from 12th of December
  • The application is open from December 14 to apply online
  • Scrutiny of online applications from December 18
  • The seniority lists will be available from December 20
  • The final seniority lists will be available from December 26
  • Teachers should set up web options from December 27 to January 1
  • Generate transfer orders from January 2 to 10
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