Rc.No.ESE02/645/2022-SCERT 08/10/2022

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Sub : School Education – SCERT, AP – Entrepreneurial Mindset Development Program(EMDP) for all Government School of Andhra Pradesh – Phase III – Training to 9thclass teachers of High schools at respective mandals – Instructions–Issued.

All Regional Joint Directors of School Education, Distt State Education Officers and Mandal Education Officers Entrepreneurial Mindset Development Program (EMDP) is being implemented from the academic year 2021-22 to help the development of government school students in the state. 21st century skills such as communication, problem-solving & collaboration through real-world projects with the help of comprehensive curriculum & SCERT, AP and increased awareness of key concepts of self-awareness, self-belief, grit and independence Government Schools in Andhra Pradesh.

Also they were informed that this program will be in two phases already implemented in recognized schools in former districts 36 mentor teachers from all over the state were trained in SCERT,AP from 25/1/22 to27/1/22(3Days) and 634 mandal teachers 20/ Trained in their respective districts from 9/22 to 24/. 9/22 (2 spells, 2 days each) for statewide rollout (Phase III) of this program.

Now it is proposed to give at least class 9 training to the teachers Teacher from all Govt Management High School Schools in their respective mandals (except discontinued schools) on 10th 11th October 2022 Mandal teachers who received district level training for two days, Under the supervision of mentor teachers. Mandal Education Department officials These trainings should be conducted together with mutual support Neighboring Mandal More so, these mandal level trained teachers The rest of the teachers are expected to be trained in their own schools by the 13th File No.ESE02/645/2022-SCERT October @ one teacher for each 9th class section.

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50 mandals which were discontinued from AP EMDP have been made available across the state AY 2022-23 for impact study/research.

These 50 mandals Consisting of around 500 schools, selected as control group Based on UDISE data.

Teachers trained by them Zones are designated to support adjacent zones District A list of suspended zones is attached EMDP trained teachers train 9th grade students in respective schools from 14th October 2022 among allottees Periods as per Academic Calendar 2022-23 and Mentor Teachers & Mandal teachers will guide the teachers till the end of AY 2022-23. Two consecutive periods are used/dedicated every Friday A total of 25 hours of classroom sessions and 20 for this program Project working hours. Online refresher training is provided by GAME representatives as required.

Therefore, all the Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Education Officers and Mandal Education Officers The State is requested to select one active teacher for Class 9 from each school and depute them with a mentor Teachers and district level trained mandal teachers are expected to attend Training in respective modules for two days from 10/10/22 11/10/22 till 10.00 AM without fail. He also asked to make necessary arrangements for that Training program. For any query in this regard, pls Contact: Dr.T.Padmavathy, Faculty SCERT – 9848390577.

Following is the list of 50 mandals to be withheld from AP EMDP State-wide roll out in the AY 2022-23 for the sake of impact study/research. These 50 mandals, comprising 500 schools approximately, are selected as the control group based on the UDISE data. The teachers who were trained from these mandals would be deputed for the support of adjacent mandals in the district

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