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IMMS App was updated on 02.05.2023 in Play store to 1.5.9 version . In this version a new feature inserted . HMs has to upload the details of Night Watchman appointed in Nadu Nedu phase -II .

The Indian government launched the Mid Day Meal Scheme to address issues of nutrition, food security, and education access for low-income students from both urban and rural areas. The IMMS mobile application is designed to effectively monitor daily and monthly data on midday meal updates made by schools. Once installed on an Android device, the mobile application requires Internet to send MDM data because the MDM administrator has the option to send daily attendance and meal count data through the app. This makes it easier for the MDM administrator, who only needs to enter his login information into the app to feed the data. A very straightforward web portal allows the higher authorities at the block, district, and state levels to be effective and efficient.

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