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1. Headquarters Southern Command, Pune invite application for eligible candidates for the following posts:


1.Total No. of vacancy: 22
2.Age Limit: 18 to 35
3.Service rendered in Army Navy Air Force shall be deducted from actual age and resultant age should not be exceeding the maximum age limit i.e 25 yeaers prescribed for the post by more than three years

4. Applications for the above posts are being taken online only. Application format and other details are available on www.HQSCrecruitment.com online application are Invited from eligible candidates between 20 Jun 2022 to 19 Jul 2022. One candidate can apply for only one post under any one category/ reservation. Applications received from same candidate for different posts are liable to be rejected

5. The above post are subject to all India Service liability including field service.

6. In case the large numbers of applications are received, the department reserves the right to screen applications on the basis of percentage of marks obtained in the exam of essential qualifications so as to reduce the applicants called for written test. Merely fulfilling the basic criteria does not entitle the individual to be called for written test/ skill test whenever applicable. Candidates would be intimated separately for appearing in the exam. Only candidate who are intimated are required to appear for exam. One candidate can apply for only one category/ reservation. Applications recd from same candidate to different posts are liable to be rejected.

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Scheme of Examination.

7. Scheme of Examination. A written test will be held which will have questions of the level of Class 10/12/ ITI as per essential educational qualification of respective post. Candidates appearing for written test would also be subjected to skill practical test wherever applicable. Medium of written test will Hindi/ English only.


8. The SC/ST/OBC candidates who apply against gen (UR) vacancies are not eligible for the age and other concessions meant for SC/ST/OBC.

9. Certificate of experience in the trade where experience is desirable be produced along with the applications.

10. Photocopy of the following documents/ Certificate to be attached along with arong application duly self attested.

(a) Passport size photographs duly self attested.

(b) Education qualification certificate.

(c) Date of birth Certificate.

(d) Caste Certificate where applicable.

(e) Discharge cert for EX-serviceman where applicable.

(f) EWS certificate for EWS where applicable.

Place of Written test

The written test and skill test will be held in  Pune. Candidates should come prepared to stay for two-three days for completion of the process. Candidates have to make their own arrangements for boarding/lodging during the period of stay. No TA DA would be paid to candidates called for examination.

 If the candidate produces false certificate/ fabricated documents inaccurate or tempered information then he will be disqualified/ dismissed from service, if appointed inadvertently.

 Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidates. correspondence will be entertained. No inquiry or Obtaining support for his candidature through unfair means shall disqualify the candidature.

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Candidate found resorting to any irregular or improper means in connection with his candidature for the selection and any other reason as observed by the Board of Officers then application will be rejected.

 Any legal cases arising out of this recruitment will be subject to Pune district court jurisdiction.

. Warning. All candidates are warned to be careful from the self-styled-agents and also requested to inform Headquarter Southern Command Pune against any malpractice seen/ observed by them.
