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Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Education Officers, Comprehensive Pupil APCs and Principals of all DIETS in the State are aware that the Government of Andhra Pradesh has taken steps to effectively implement the National Education Policy-2020. Large-scale reforms in schooling by emphasizing quality of education and implementing transformation of the existing educational ecosystem.

2. SCERT as an academic authority is revising the syllabus and syllabus in a phased manner. For this purpose, SCERT conducted a detailed study of curriculum, syllabus and curriculum of NCERT and other state boards in the country and abroad. SCERT has developed textbooks for classes I to V in bilingual format with ‘trimester system’ and ‘class VI textbooks with two-semester system’ from the academic year 2020-2021. Class VII and Class VIII textbooks have been developed on a two-semester basis from the academic year 2021-22 and 2022-23 respectively.

3. After careful consideration of recommendations of SCERT vide reference 2 cited by various stakeholders of school education staff and impact studies on the new curriculum suggested adopting a uniform pattern in term-based syllabus and textbooks. Instead of multiple models. Semester system is useful for both students and teachers, learning becomes more meaningful.

4. Therefore, Regional Joint Directors of School Education, District Education Officers, Integrated Shihsha Additional Project Coordinators and Principals of Diets in the State are informed that the State will follow two semester system from Academic to Class IX. In respect of Class X from the year 2023-24 and 2024-25.