National Achievement Survey (NAS)- Key Points

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About: The National Achievement Survey (NAS) is a large-scale, nationally representative survey of student learning undertaken by the Ministry of Education, Government of India.
National Achievement Survey (NAS) is conducted every three years.

Significance: The NAS provides a system-level reflection on the effectiveness of schooling. Findings help compare performance across the spectrum and across populations to find the desired direction for improvements.

National Achievement Survey (NAS) 2021- Key Points

About: National Achievement Survey-2021 is scheduled on 12 November 2021. This year it also has samples from class X.
Conducting Authority: National Achievement Survey-2021 will be conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) as the Assessment Administrator.
Scope: The National Achievement Survey-2021 will be conducted for students of Grade 3, 5, 8 and 10 in the State Govt. Schools, Government Aided Schools, Private Unaided Recognized Schools and Central Government Schools.
Mandate: NAS 2021 is intended to provide information on what students in India know and can do in key grades and subjects across national, state, district and school type.

Criteria for sampling schools: Selection of sample schools is based on UDISE+2019-20 data. So, states, districts used to draw patterns for NAS 2021 will be strictly as per UDISE+2019-20.

Assessment Framework:

It was developed by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) to assess student achievement based on learning outcomes.
The survey includes contextual variables to correlate student performance across contextual variables in different learning outcomes.


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