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MA&UD Dept. Municipal Teachers Entrustment of Administrative – responsibilities of the Municipal Schools to School Education Department- Consideration of revised Cadre Strength and to mapping of the cadre strength of Municipal Teachers with the Cadre strength of School Education department for drawing the salaries of Municipal Teachers through School Education department-amendment Orders – Issued.


G.O.Ms.No. 182 Date:29.11.2022

Read the following:-

1.G.O.Ms.No.84 MA & UD (D1) Dept., dated 24.06.2022 2.Letter from the C&DMA, AP, Mangalagiri vide Lr.Roc.No.21022/3/ 2022/E1, dated: 13/09/2022.


In the circumstances reported by the Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, AP, Mangalagiri in the references 2nd read above, Government here by issue an amendment to G.O.Ms.No.84, MA & UD (D1) Department, dated 24.08.2022 as follows, so as to complete the mapping of the cadre strength of Municipal Teachers with the cadre strength of School Education Department in APCFSS Portal for drawing the salaries of Municipal Teachers through the School Education Department:-

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