Rc.No: 150/B-1/SSC-2023, Dated: 23-11-2022

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Sub:- S.S.C., O.S.S.C., and S.S.C (Vocational Course)Public Examinations, March/April 2023 – Important instructions for feeding the students data Online and for the preparation of Manual Nominal Rolls for submission of the same to the Office of the District Educational Officer– Issued – Reg.

Ref:- 1. G.O. Ms. No. 136, School Education (Prog.II) Dept, Dt: 22-08-2022.
2. This office due dates notification vide Rc.No.149/B-1/SSC-2023, Dt: 22-11-2022.

It is hereby informed to all the Headmasters/Principals/Correspondents of all the High Schools in the State of Andhra Pradesh, presenting Regular/Private/OSSC Candidates for SSC Public Examinations, March/April – 2023 that the students data has to be fed online by using their respective User ID and Password provided by the O/o DGE in the website “www.bse.ap.gov.in” for the generation of Nominal Rolls.

As per the orders contained in the G.O.Ms.No.41, School Education (Prog.II) Dept., Dated: 28-06-2019., the following are the changes in the existing pattern.

1. There will be no weightage for internal marks for class X.
2. SSC board examinations will be conducted for 100 marks duly following the 6 paper pattern vide the reference 1st cited.
3. 1st language, 2nd language, 3rd language, Mathematics, General Science and Social Studies subjects contain one paper each and each paper will be conducted for 100 marks.
4. For the General Science subject, Answer Booklets for Physical Science and Biological Science will be distributed separately.
5. In the first language, Composite paper 1 is for 70 marks and paper 2 is for 30 marks.

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All the Heads of Secondary Schools shall submit the Manual Nominal Rolls to the O/o DEO with in the stipulated time mentioned in the Due dates Notification


1. Before entering the student’s information in the website application, the HMs are instructed to scan all the following documents and keep the scanned copies as well as hard copies ready for uploading and reference.
2. All the scanned copies shall be in “.jpg” or “.jpeg” format only.
a. Scanned images of the passport size black and white photo of the students with a size between 30KB to 40KB.
b. Scanned images of the signatures of the students between10KB to 20 KB size only.
c. Scanned copy of PH certificates (if any) issued by the Medical Board only with a size between 50KB to 100KB only.
d. Scanned copy of Special English permission copy (if applicable) with a size between 50KB to 100KB only.
e. Scanned copy of Age condonation orders (if applicable) with a size between 50 KB and 100KB only.
3. All the particulars have to be filled up strictly in accordance with the Admission Register of the School only.
4. Read the instructions/ user manual that are issued in this regard and supplied to you carefully before filling up the application and confirming the data.

5. The child info student’s data is on the website of Director, Government Examinations, Andhra Pradesh: www.bse.ap.gov.in.Edit option is available for all the fields except Child ID

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6. A space of 42 characters including spaces is provided for columns to furnish the Name of the Candidate including surname, Father’s name including surname, Mother’s name including surname.
The Headmaster has to follow the guidelines given below in filling up the candidate’s name, father’s name and mother’s name:

i) Candidate’s Name : 42 characters with spaces (including Surname).

ii) Father’s Name : 42 characters with spaces (including Surname).

iii) Mother’s Name : 42 characters with spaces (including Surname)


1. No charges for SBI Bank Debit Cards, other Bank Debit Cards through SBI gateway.
2. For Credit Cards /Net Banking, charges are applicable when paid through SBI Gateway.
3. Through “PAYU” gateway charges are applicable for all kinds of transactions except RUPAY cards.
4. The Headmasters/Principals/Heads of Schools are strictly instructed to pay the Examination fee for all the students whoever registered in the child info.
5. In case of Vocational Schools, the amount has to be paid only after confirmation of the SSC, Vocational and Migration (if require) only, total amount has to be paid. Individual payments shall not be allowed for SSC/Migration/ Vocational fee separately.