jobs in telugu academi
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Applications are invited online from eligible candidates for various teaching posts under academic services for a total of 78 vacancies in the scale of pay of Rs.25,200/- to 50,910/- from candidates within the age group of 18 to 42 years as on 01.03.2023.

The post of Subject Teacher (52) and Online Instructor (26) in Telugu Academy Digital Services posts are organized into State Cadre. The selections to the posts will be carried out by the concerned Selection Committee on furnishing the ranking list

Scale of pay : Rs.25,200/- to 50,910/-

Age: 18 to 42 years as on 01.03.2023.

No of Vacancy: 78


i. He / She is of sound health, active habits and free from any bodily defect or infirmity rendering him/her unfit for such service:

ii. His / Her character and antecedents are such as to qualify him/her for such service:,

iii. He /She possesses the academic and other qualifications prescribed for the post: and

iv. He/ She is a citizen of India: Provided that no candidate other than a citizen of India may be appointed except with the previous sanction of the State Government and except in accordance with such conditions and restrictions as they may be laid down. Such sanction shall not be accorded unless the State Government are satisfied that sufficient number of citizens of India, who are qualified and suitable are not available.

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The candidate should possess the prescribed academic qualification as on the date of this notification. The date of this notification shall be the crucial date for calculating the experience including the practical experience. In respect of other than prescribed Educational Qualifications, claiming equivalence, the decision of the concerned department (Unit Officer) shall be final.

Qualifications for Teacher posts in Telugu Academy


i) The fee mentioned in the above paragraph is to be paid online using payment gateway using net banking/ credit card / debit card. The list of banks providing service for the purpose of online remittance of fee will be available on the website.

ii) The fee once remitted shall not be refunded or adjusted under any circumstances. Failure to pay the examination fee and application fee (in non-exempt case) will entail total rejection of application.

iii) IPOs / Demand Drafts are not accepted.

iv) In case of corrections Rs.100/- per correction will be charged. However changes are not allowed for name, fee and age relaxation.