Rc.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE-Part(1) Dt:18/12/2022
Sub: School Education – Ensuring of subject teachers in the High Schools and required number of teachers in Foundational Schools, Foundational School Plus – AP Teachers (Regulation of Transfers) Guidelines, 2022 – Certain instructions issued – Regarding.
Read:1) G.O.Ms.No.187, School Education (Ser.II) Dept., Dt:10.12.2022.
2) This office Procgs.Rc.No.ESE02-14/11/2022-EST4-CSE-Part(1), Dt:10.12.2022.
3) Discussions during the meeting with all RJDSEs, DEOs & other concerned staff on Transfers, 2022.
O R D E R:
In continuation to the instructions issued in the ref 2nd read above,
the Regional Joint Directors of School Education and District Educational
Officers have raised certain queries/doubts on the transfer guidelines issued in G.O.Ms.No.187 during the discussions held on 14.12.2022. In view of the above, the following clarifications are issued
As per the guidelines, the committee shall arrive at the number of vacancies i.e. the diference between sanctioned and working in each cadre. Then the committee shall have to block the same number of vacancies proportionately in categories I, II, and III taking Mandal as a unit. Example: In an erstwhile district, sanctioned SGT posts: 5,000 and working: 4500, then to be blocked vacancies are 5000-4500=500. If 40 mandals in the district, proportionately block that 500 vacancies in category-I, II and III. While blocking the vacancies, the following points are to be noted.
a. School Assistants (SAs)
b. No vacancies shall be blocked in High Schools (i.e., 3-10/6-10)
c. Vacancies shall be blocked proportionately in the Pre High Schools with more than 98 strengths. If any vacancies are left, then block the vacancies in high schools (6-10) where the strength is low.
b. Secondary Grade Teachers (SGTs)
• Foundational Schools/Foundational School Plus where strength is 21 to 30 – Vacancies shall be blocked proportionately
• If any vacancies are left, then block the vacancies in Foundational Schools/Foundational School Plus as per the highest cadre strength (posts).
• All Foundational Schools shall have a minimum (of one) regular teacher. The additional instructions with regard to transfers are as follows
a. Re-apportionment points (5) will be awarded to those Headmasters (Gr.II)/Teachers who are affected by re-apportionment (all cases irrespective of mapping) are eligible for extra points over and above already secured points.
b. The President and General Secretary of the Recognized Teachers Union at the District Level are also eligible for (5) special points.
c. If any Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teacher who availed the preferential category (spouse) or special points (spouse) in Transfers, 2020 and now the spouse was died due to various reasons, then the Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teachers can claim preferential category under widow preferential category even though they haven’t completed 5/8 years respectively.
d. The last date for applying for online transfer by Headmaster (Gr.II)/Teacher is extended upto 19.12.2022.
e. The last date for verification of online applications by the DDO is extended upto 20.12.2022. However, the DDOs shall verify the transfer applications simultaneously from time to time so as to adhere to the timelines (20.12.2022).
f. All Language Pandits in DEO Pool/Pre-High School shall apply for transfers