Brief Notes

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The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will likely hold online tests in August and September 2023 for the upcoming Common Recruitment Process for RRBs (CRP RRBs XII) for the recruitment of Group “A” officers (Scale-I, II, and III) and Group “B” office assistants (Multipurpose). In accordance with the same procedure, the Nodal Regional Rural Banks, with the assistance of NABARD and IBPS and in consultation with the appropriate authority, will coordinate the interviews for the recruitment of Group “A” Officers (Scale-I, II, and III) in November 2023.

Important Dates

Important Dates

Starting Date for Registration & Payment Fee Including Edit Option: 01-06-2023
Last Date for Registration & Payment of Fee Including Edit Option: 21-06-2023
Date of Conduct of Pre-Exam Training: 17-07 to 22-07-2023
Tentative Date of Online – Preliminary Exam: August, 2023
Result of Online exam – Preliminary: September 2023
Download of Call letter for Online exam – Main / Single: September 2023
Online Examination – Main / Single: September 2023
Declaration of Result – Main/ Single (For Officers Scale I, II and III): October 2023 
Download of call letters for interview (For Officers Scale I, II and III): October/November 2023
Conduct of interview (For Officers Scale I, II and III): October/November 2023
Provisional Allotment (For Officers Scale I, II and III & Office Assistant. (Multipurpose): January 2024
Date of Declaration of Online – Preliminary Exam Results: August/ September 2023
Tentative Date of Online – Main/ Single Exam: September, 2023
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SI NoPost NameTotal Vacancy
1Office Assistant (Multipurpose)  5538
2Officer Scale-I (AM)2485
3Officer (Manager) Scale-II (General Banking ) 315
4Officer Scale-II (IT)68
5 Officer Scale-II (CA)21
6Officer Scale-II (Law )24
7Officer Scale-II (Treasury Manager)8
8Officer Scale-II (Marketing )3
9Officer Scale-II (Agriculture)59
10Officer Scale III (Senior Manager)73

Registering for the Common Recruitment Process (CRP for RRBs-XII) is required of any eligible candidate who wishes to join any of the Regional Rural Banks listed at (A) as Group “A”-Officers (Scale-I, II, and III) or Group “B”-Office Assistant (Multipurpose).

The online examination for Officers Scale I and Office Assistant (Multi-purpose) positions will be two-tier, consisting of Preliminary and Main phases.

Candidates who pass the Preliminary Examination and are shortlisted for the Main Examination will be required to apply for the position of Office Assistant (Multi-purpose). They will be given a provisional allocation based on their scores on the Main Examination and the RRBs’ actual job openings.

The Nodal Regional Rural Banks will coordinate a Common Interview with the assistance of NABARD and IBPS in consultation with the appropriate authority for candidates who qualify in the Preliminary Examination and are shortlisted for the Officers Scale I position. Shortlisted candidates in the Main Examination will then be called for a Common Interview.

For the post of Officials Scale II (Generalist and Subject matter experts) and Scale III, competitors will show up for Single Web-based Assessment and shortlisted competitors in the Single On the web Assessment will thusly be required a Typical Meeting to be facilitated by the Nodal Territorial Provincial Manages an account with the assistance of NABARD and IBPS in conference with suitable power.

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Contingent upon the opportunities as need might arise of the Territorial Provincial Banks and as answered to IBPS, applicants shortlisted will be temporarily assigned to one of the Territorial Provincial Banks keeping in view the legitimacy cum inclination (state wise for Officials in Scale I and Office Colleague (Multipurpose)), the soul of Govt. Guidelines regarding the reservation policy, administrative convenience, and other issues With or without prior notice, the CRP for RRBs-XII will automatically expire one year after the date of the Provisional Allotment or until a new provisional allotment is made, whichever comes first.


Please note that the stated eligibility requirements are the fundamental requirements for appointment to the aforementioned positions in the Regional Rural Banks. However, just because a candidate submits an application, passes the CRP, and receives a provisional allocation in one of the RRBs does not guarantee that they will be hired by any of the Regional Rural Banks. It is explicitly explained that a definitive expert for enlistment is the Provincial Rustic Bank itself. The RRB concerned may, in its only tact, reject the candidature of anybody temporarily apportioned to it through the CRP.

Age (As on 01.06.2023)

  • For Officer Scale- III (Senior Manager)– Above 21 years – Below 40 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 03.06.1983 and later than 31.05.2002 (both dates inclusive)
  • For Officer Scale- II (Manager)- Above 21 years – Below 32 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 03.06.1991 and later than 31.05.2002 (both dates inclusive)
  • For Officer Scale- I (Assistant Manager)– Above 18 years – Below 30 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 03.06.1993 and later than 31.05.2005 (both dates inclusive)
  • For Office Assistant (Multipurpose) – Between 18 years and 28 years i.e. candidates should not have been born earlier than 02.06.1995 and later than 01.06.2005 (both dates inclusive)


EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS & POST QUALIFICATION EXPERIENCE (as on the last date of Online Registration i.e. 21.06.2023)

Examination Centres in AP

Preliminary Exam Centres:

Tirupati, Vijaywada, Vishakhapatnam,  Nellore, Rajahmundry, Srikakulam, Vizianagaram Ananthapur, Chirala, Guntur, Kakinada, Kadapa, Kurnool,

Single/Main Exam Centre:

Guntur, Vijaywada,Kurnool,